To turn many to righteousness…Daniel 12:3
Purebreed Christian Church……Turning many to righteousness
To be God’s model of righteousness on earth
To promote the culture of righteousness through the preaching and practice of the Holy Bible
The primary aims and objectives for which PUREBREED is established are:
- To preach Jesus Christ as the express image of God, the only Saviour and the Messiah
- To propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind and to deliver by the grace of God the full benefit that comes with believing the gospel of Jesus Christ
- To influence territorial cultures to align with godliness
- To offer training and support that will enable individuals and organizations (especially the hurting and needy) increase their overall worth and fulfil their purpose in life
- To serve as vanguard and custodian of the fundamentals of the Christian faith, preserving the ancient landmark of Christianity
- Membership – Helping sinners find their rightful place in God’s kingdom through the preaching and practice of the word of God
- Maturity – Helping believers become Christians, becoming more like Jesus Christ in character and conduct through discipleship training
- Ministry – Helping Christians discover, develop and deploy their talents, skills and spiritual gifts for the edification of the church through training and impartation
- Mission – Helping Christians minister help to the wider society through training and impartation
- Magnify – Leading a community of God’s lovers in a pure and whole hearted praise and worship with thanksgiving to God Almighty